How global contact centers can streamline operations and deliver a consistent customer experience

Simon Black
Oct 16, 2024

When your business operates global contact centers, your frontline agents are laying the foundation of your customer experience across cultures and regions. Agents are spread across time zones, speaking different languages, and often handling calls when it’s the middle of the night for the leadership team. As a global contact center leader, trying to align operations and ensure a consistent customer experience can feel like trying to conduct a symphony across continents.  

The 7 biggest challenges for global contact centers  

Fragmented knowledge bank

In many global contact centers, process documentation and guides are stored locally in each country where the contact center operates. This creates a significant risk of information becoming outdated or difficult to locate. Processes may change at a head office level, but when documentation is stored locally, leaders can’t guarantee an effective rollout of changes across regions. If agents can’t access the most up-to-date resources, they may inadvertently provide incorrect information to customers.

Many agents also keep their own local copies of process information because it’s not always easy to locate guides when they need them. Although the agents mean well, this practice again carries the risk of customers being given incorrect or out-of-date information.

Searching through multiple folders or platforms for processes and guides is stressful for the agent and doesn’t leave the customer with a positive impression. Agents spend more time looking for the right resources instead of focusing on delivering high-quality customer service.

Inconsistent call handling

Different communication styles and a disjointed training approach can cause global contact center agents to interact with customers in very different ways, causing variations in service delivery.

One senior customer service agent working in a multi-region contact center told us:  

"When you’re working in a global contact center team, not everyone handles calls in the same way. Sometimes, when I have to listen to calls to resolve complaints, I hear how agents in other regions talk to customers, and it’s completely different from how we’ve been trained. It’s not that anyone’s doing it wrong, it’s their interpretation. The inconsistency can be confusing for customers and for us. Agents aren’t getting the same coaching or feedback, so it feels like we’re all working in silos, even though we’re supposed to be part of the same team."

Leaders often struggle to monitor and address these differences effectively, as they lack visibility into how different teams conduct calls. Without a clear view of these variations, it’s difficult to identify gaps in communication skills, align teams around company values, or provide personalized feedback to agents. This lack of consistency can impact customers’ brand perception as their experience differs depending on which team they speak to.

Miscommunication between teams

Breakdowns in communication between teams in different countries are common. Core process information or hand-offs to supporting teams can get lost in translation--either literally, when language differences cause misunderstandings, or figuratively, when agents don’t fully understand something because it wasn’t communicated clearly or translated effectively.  

Agents feel disconnected from the brand

Contact center agents working in different countries may feel disconnected from the company’s core values, brand identity, and culture. This disconnect can affect how agents interact with customers, as they may struggle to represent the company’s voice and personality through their tone and language. When agents don’t clearly understand how to deliver the company’s values, it can lead to an impersonal or frustrating customer experience.

Manual hand-offs and time zone challenges

If global contact centers have manual hand-offs between teams in different time zones, they may struggle to transfer information efficiently. An agent working in the U.S. may not be able to pass on customer information to a colleague in Europe until the next business day, causing unnecessary delays in resolving customer issues.

The manual nature of these hand-offs also increases the chances of mistakes happening. Information might be incomplete or misunderstood, leading to missed follow-ups, unresolved queries, and customer dissatisfaction.

Complex compliance and regulatory requirements

It’s incredibly challenging for global contact center leaders and Quality Assurance teams to manage compliance manually across regions. Regulations often differ across countries, making it much harder to maintain consistency. Compliance issues at the team and agent level can be extremely difficult to catch, putting the business at risk of breaches and fines. Updating processes and systems to comply with changing regulations can be slow, especially when waiting for IT resources. This challenge becomes even more complicated and slow when trying to roll out changes across global teams, which can impact adherence to new or changing regulations.

Agents struggle to work with multiple systems

Many agents are expected to work across multiple systems simultaneously, which can lead to confusion, stress, inefficiency, and mistakes. On average, contact center agents use at least 4 different tools or systems per interaction. Keeping up with multiple platforms makes it hard to focus on delivering a good level of service.  

This leads to increased call handling times, longer hold times, and longer queues, all of which cause customer dissatisfaction.  

For BPOs, the challenge of managing different systems and processes is amplified. Agents have to deal with customer queries across various companies, each with their own unique processes and platforms. Constantly switching between systems, following different processes for each client, and adhering to different compliance requirements can make it feel impossible to deliver an efficient, accurate, and consistent standard of customer service.  

How global contact centers can overcome these challenges

Global contact centers need to rethink how they manage their processes, systems, and agent workflows. With AI-powered contact center technology, they can transition from a fragmented, inconsistent operation to one that empowers agents to deliver a seamless, consistent customer experience no matter where they are in the world.

Give agents a single, unified desktop

Agents need immediate access to accurate, up-to-date information to resolve customer issues effectively. Connecting systems and integrating platforms helps agents locate essential information without jumping between multiple systems. With a single, unified desktop, agents can easily access all relevant information, such as customer history, process steps, and compliance guidelines, no matter where the information is stored. This improves the agent’s experience by reducing complexity and shortening call handling times, leading to faster resolution of customer issues and greater satisfaction.

Give agents one simple process to follow

When agents have one simple process to follow within a unified platform, they no longer need to juggle multiple systems or search for disparate process documents. This eliminates confusion and empowers agents to provide accurate information and a consistently high level of service to customers.

Standardizing processes across regions and teams from one centralized point means contact centers reduce the risk of miscommunication. Leaders can be confident in process adherence accuracy and the ability to deliver a higher level of service quality, no matter where an agent is located.

Understand agent performance across 100% of interactions

Conversation intelligence technology gives contact centers the power to analyze every conversation based on what customers and agents are saying. This technology extracts and organizes insights related to contact reasons, agent behaviors, customer sentiment, key topics, and more. With advanced conversation intelligence, managers can assess agent performance, identify issues as they come up, and spot trends in customer behavior. This level of visibility means leaders can make data-driven decisions, helping the contact center continuously improve while managing costs.  

These insights also inform strategies and decisions about resource allocation and training needs. By understanding where process bottlenecks are and why they’re happening, contact centers can identify areas where agents struggle and provide targeted coaching, support, and process enhancements.

Automate QA for consistent feedback

Automating QA scorecards brings consistency to the performance review process. Leaders base their feedback on measurable metrics and data rather than personal perspectives. Automated scorecards provide unbiased insights into agent performance, allowing managers to easily identify areas for improvement and spot geographical trends impacting service delivery.

By analyzing every call for specific agent behaviors, sentiments, and language patterns, leaders can benchmark communication skills across regions and for every interaction. If agents in specific regions struggle to communicate in alignment with brand values, leaders can identify this quickly and provide timely coaching support.

Prompt agents with the next best action

With the right contact center platform, agents get guidance for each interaction, receiving prompts for the next best action based on the customer’s needs and the company’s processes. Agents can relax into every call, confident they’re following the correct procedure every time, even for the most complex queries. They reduce their risk of errors, and customers receive a consistent service and experience no matter which region they’re connected to.  

Remove manual work with automation

Automating tasks like call summarization, logging customer interactions, and updating customer records frees up agents to focus on providing excellent service rather than getting bogged down in administrative tasks. Automating these processes also means customer information is captured accurately and consistently, reducing the risk of errors.  

Simplify the handover process

Contact center software can automate the handover process, eliminating delays and the risk of losing important information. With a connected, automated system, agents in one region can easily pass on cases to their colleagues in another region, ensuring continuity and removing delays caused by time zone differences and manual hand-off processes.

Turn conversation insights into action with Creovai

Creovai uses AI to analyze all your customer conversations, guide your agents in real time, and deliver insights to improve contact center performance.

If you’d like to learn more about how Creovai can help your global contact center streamline operations and improve the customer experience, request a demo.

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