7 best call center scripting tools

Geouffrey Erasmus

With the rise of cloud technology further enhancing the amount of competition between companies, businesses are on the lookout for innovative ways to stand out from the crowd. Delivering outstanding customer service is one way of doing just that:

  • For 81% of customers, having a positive customer service experience increases their chance of doing business with that company in the future
  • 95% of consumers rate excellent customer service as vital to ensuring brand loyalty

Call scripting has long been an essential part of overcoming call center problems, ensuring the exceptional customer service outcomes businesses need to drive long-term success with call center quality assurance and call center management. That’s because scripts can “help keep every member of the call-center team unified, accurate and effective.” Scripts can also:

  • Ensure compliance and minimize risk
  • Keep calls to a manageable length
  • Provide security and a sense of well-being for stressed agents
  • Improve the customer experience

In simple terms, scripting can provide call and contact centers with the foundation for improved customer service, better conversion rates, high first-call resolutions (FCR) rates, and reputational improvement. However, a bad script can make conversations seem forced, while overly prescriptive scripts can make agents seem robotic or impersonal. In both cases, this can contribute to a negative experience for customers.

Fortunately, there is a range of scripting software tools that can produce top-quality scripts that ensure a consistently high standard of customer service. Today we’re going to look at the 7 best call center scripting tools available to businesses. Let’s dive straight in.

#1 Creovai Agent Workflow

Creovai Agent Workflow guides call center agents step-by-step through an approved process with enough flexibility to maintain a natural conversation flow. The tool helps agent training for new starters, keeps calls brief and to the point, and ensures consistency and compliance during every customer interaction.

The key benefits of Creovai include:

  • A 30% reduction in call handling times
  • Training time reductions of up to 70%
  • A 25% increase in employee retention.
  • Consistency across agents, teams, and offices
  • Better compliance and risk reduction

All of the above factors combine to shape a better customer service experience. This is further enhanced by Creovai’s ability to analyze conversations for key insights into how each interaction went. Creovai can securely store and then apply text, voice, and speech analytics to all calls, displaying reports and insights in user-friendly dashboards.

This combination of scripting support plus cutting-edge AI-driven conversation intelligence makes Creovai a premium choice for reshaping the whole customer experience and standing out in a competitive environment.

#2 Five9

A leading provider of cloud-based customer call center technology since 2001, Five9 offers a scripting facility that creates a predictable, branching text that works very well with predictable conversations.

One of the core benefits of the system is its seamless and straightforward deployment which ensures rapid results. During the COVID-19 pandemic’s height, one client had to handle a high volume of calls to support customers during a time of crisis. Fortunately, using Five9, they were able to handle between 48,000 and 55,000 forbearance plans in a single month.

#3 Knowmax

This product describes itself as “a knowledge management platform created by customer experience professionals.” It focuses heavily on an intuitive structure in its workflow and provides next-best-action (NBA) recommendations to ensure that opportunities are maximized, and churn reduced.

One nice additional feature is the user-determined UX, which allows you to display prompts in a style and color scheme that works for you. It also comes with multilingual support and real-time guidance on call performance, as well as ready-made, intuitive call workflows while maintaining SOPs at all times. A strong contender.

#4 HappyFox

Headquartered in California, HappyFox boasts 12,000 customers in over 70 countries. They are an award-winning provider of a suite of call center support products and are squarely aimed at enterprise-level corporations. In their own words, they offer a “complete help desk and customer support suite of products.”

Agent scripting works intuitively straight from the support ticket page, making it a seamless process to keep the conversation flowing while answering queries accurately and delivering all the information customers require. Scripts can be ordered by frequency of use, and notable time and cost savings should be possible with effective deployment.

#5 NovelVox

NovelVox’s agent scripting tool has been fully honest and developed since its inception in 2008. Boasting more than 200 enterprise-level deployments in over 18 countries, NovelVox offers “fully customizable and integrated solutions to modernize customer service operations.”

A simple drag-and-drop interface allows managers to construct scripts quickly. With versions for Cisco, Avaya, Amazon, and Zendesk, plus compatibility with Salesforce and other CRM platforms, NovelVox is one of the best-integrated solutions available.

Compliance issues are covered thoroughly as well, ensuring high-quality customer-agent interactions in-line with standards and best practices. The definition of a reliable enterprise-level product.

#6 Uniphore

Uniphore is a leading conversational AI and automation platform which realizes the value inherent in each conversation. Using a drag and drop interface, managers and trainers can create comprehensive and automated workflows, while a bot and rules engine ensures that the structures you create make sense.

This solution has a particular focus on making conversations sound natural even when they are scripted so that agents can stick to the script closely without it sounding formal or overly prepared. This includes compliance issues and even challenging situations like calming an agitated caller.

One great feature of Uniphore is that if a call is interrupted, context is fully recorded and preserved so that when it resumes, you don’t irritate customers by asking them to repeat all the information they provided previously.

#7 Happitu

Our final selection is a scripting platform that also incorporates a coaching aspect, marshaling existing resources, and records to provide agents with everything they need to fill in experience gaps as they get up to speed. Hippitu helps identify at a glance where your pain points are by:

  • Analyzing the reason for a call
  • Displaying resolution rates

Training is another highlight of the platform, with a reported 80% reduction in training costs and an anticipated 20% time-saving. In addition to this, cloud-based changes appear instantaneously across all individual agent dashboards, ensuring parity across teams.

Integrations are also readily available with Happitu for popular CRM platforms, and the system works within an omnichannel environment with support for remote working where required.

Give your agents the support they need with Creovai

Creovai provides a host of interrelated tools for call center optimization and agent support. We believe it’s simply the best all-around workflow support tool. Whether it’s script design, automated workflow prompts, compliance adherence or NBA provision, Creovai has it covered.

The platform’s scripting support tool is just a part of its greater offering, which also includes speech, voice, and text analytics. As a result, you can gain every bit of value possible from successful calls and quickly identify where the difficult calls went wrong. Using Creovai's resources as a complete call center solution, you should enjoy:

  • A reduction in call duration
  • Cost savings due to productivity improvements
  • A reduction in errors and missed steps
  • Lower churn rate and better customer retention
  • Speedier staff onboarding and ongoing training
  • An improvement in organizational reputation

If you’d like to know more about our product and how it could help you drive call center optimization with call center scripting best practices, you can request a demo today.

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